Fleas Bark Too, Don't They?_peliplat
Fleas Bark Too, Don't They?_peliplat

Fleas Bark Too, Don't They? (1996)

A (DK) | Denmark | Danish | 97 min
Directed by: Stellan Olsson

Rosa, a 13-year-old girl who, despite walking with a prosthetic leg, is still full of life. She is a girl who experiences both the positive and the negative sides of the provincial town environment. Rosa has many irons in the fire: she helps the local merchant Jørgensen deliver goods to the few customers who still shop with him (the others buy from Netto!), she visits the merchant's son, Knud, who is Mongolian. She takes care of the other oddballs in town, i.a. the town's old "crazy" Rimkjær, whose best friend is a hamster Verner, and she brings goods to the "nice" old lady Ellen, who seems to have an alcohol problem. Rosa is very happy to sing, so she is in the school choir, which is busy preparing for Christmas, e.g. with a Lucia procession.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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