2 uses of shit, bastard, crap, butt and my god 25 uses of damn 1 with god 6 uses of penis 19 uses of hell 7 uses of bitch 4 with son of a and ass 8 uses of oh god 5 uses of frigging and oh my god 1 use of fuck, pussy, prick, screw, piss, christ, Jesus christ, for christ sakes, balls, turd, moron, love of god, idiot and god 3 uses of dick 2 with head 1 on the screen, Jesus and shut up
1 "f-word" (and 5 uses of "frigging" in its place), 2 "s-words," 5 terms involving male genitals (2 uses of "penis," 1 "dick," 2 "dickheads," 1 "prick," in a non-sexual context), 1 slang term for female genitals ("pussy," in a non-sexual context), 24 "damns," 19 "hells," 7 uses of "ass," 4 SOB's (and 3 more incomplete "son of a..."), 2 craps, and 8 uses of "oh god," 5 uses of "oh my god," 2 uses of "my god," and 1 use each of "goddamn," "oh christ," "sweet jesus," "for christ's sake," "god" and "jesus" as exclamations. There are frequent crude sexual terms ("screw you," and "bang" is used in a sexual context).
The word "queer" is used as a slogan for a gay rights group, and a lesbian motorcycle gang is named "Dykes on Bikes." (you see it engraved in a member's jacket.) People are called derogatory names ("hick," "piss off," "shut up," "idiot," "moron," "bastard," etc.) throughout the film, though most of the time it's played for comedic effect.