Say You'll Be Mine_peliplat
Say You'll Be Mine_peliplat

Say You'll Be Mine (1999)

R (US) | USA | English | 96 min
Directed by: Brad Kane

A young man has a long-time obsession with his best friend's fiancée. Sensing something amiss with her friend, she tries to set him up with her best friend, a bubbly actress. While attracted to the new woman in his life, he invariably compares her to his ideal woman. His only other personal contacts are a hardened, chain-cigarette smoking divorce lawyer whose husband is never home (and gets shot when he makes a surprise home visit), and a married couple who are constantly fighting when they are not having noisy out-of-control sex all over the place. With all of these characters surrounding him, the young man struggles with what his relationships should be like.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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