There's a shootout in a house between a man and several men. Two men are shot with a shot gun, and two men shoot at each other and destroy the house. One escapes and drives away, shooting out the tires of another car.
There's a car chase in which several men in a jeep pursue a man and woman in a car. The man smashes his car into another car, and then turns around and drives backward while shooting at the jeep. The jeep eventually crashes, and the man throws a grenade at it and it explodes.
A man punches another man twice, and stabs him with a knife (not that graphic).
A car rear-ends another car, pushing it off the road and out over a gorge, where it lands on a large branch.
A man in a car chases another man through the woods. The man being chased runs, and shoots at the car, and he throws grenades at it. The car ultimately flips and violently crashes, and the two men struggle on the hood until a car on a branch above falls and lands on it, exploding.
Two men engage in a long fight inside a video store, punching and kicking, and slamming each other into things. Eventually, one stabs the other (some blood seen).
A building explodes.
A man in a car shoots another man in the head (blood spatters on the window).
A man shoots another man sitting in a car in the chest (bloody).
A man closes a trunk with a woman inside, and it his her in the head and knocks her out.
A man vomits all over another man after getting drunk.
Level of violence: 6/10. Amount of blood.
There's a large shootout in a hotel room between a man and a large group of men. Many men are shot, one is seen flying across the floor with some blood spatter seen, others are killed with holes in their backs briefly seen. One man is shot pointblank and falls into a pool, and the water turns red. The man jumps out of the room as it explodes.