A woman is stabbed in the bathtub with an axe and we see the bloody water.
A man is impaled with a spike through his neck. Another man is stabbed with a knife.
A woman is grabbed by a bloody hand.
A woman is stabbed in the neck, head, chest, and back. We see her bloody body.
Some fake blood is seen on the sink.
We see a knife go through a man's neck and come out the other side.
A man and woman's heads are cut off with a machete. One of the heads is thrown in the fire.
A man is attacked with an axe and his heart is pulled out of his chest from behind. A woman's head is run over with a car and her fingers are chopped off with an axe.
A bloody hand is seen on the floor and a head is seen stuck on an axe.
An axe chops into a bloody blanket. We see a dead woman under the blanket.
A man is very bloody after being hit on the head with a rock. He is buried alive.
A woman discovers another woman's bloody decapitated head in a hatbox.
Bloody axes are seen.
A montage of all the dead bodies from the movie.
A man follows a trail of blood to the fridge where he finds a bloody man. Then he finds the dead woman under the blanket.
A woman picks up a bloody axe and smears some blood on her face.
A woman chops a man in the chest with an axe. He chokes her to death.
It's implied that a woman attacks a man with an axe.