The Port of Doom_peliplat
The Port of Doom_peliplat

The Port of Doom (1913)

None | USA | None, English |
Directed by: J. Searle Dawley

Fornton, a wealthy ship owner, tries to arrange a match between his secretary. Fuller, and Vera, his daughter, who, however, loves the first officer of one of her father's vessels, Giles. This ship arrives in port with its captain ill, who forwards a letter to Fornton by Giles advising his employer to place the bearer in charge of the ship during his illness. He also writes on a separate note the fact that the ship is in bad condition, with danger of wreck and loss of life unless it is at once repaired. Fuller receives the letter, and, eager to collect the insurance on the damaged vessel which through his marriage with the owner's daughter he will eventually obtain, he orders the ship out at once, with the first officer in command. The ship leaves, and the next morning Vera is found to be missing. The most thorough search fails to give any clue to her whereabouts, and in despair Fornton and Fuller call on Kate Kirby to place the case in her hands. In reaching into his pocket for a photograph of Vera requested by Kate, Fuller drops an envelope addressed to himself at another address than the one he had previously stated to Kate. Kate observes this discrepancy, and after the two leave rushes out and at once goes to the address on the envelope. Arrived there, she finds a woman and a child. As Kate is examining the woman to determine her relationship to Fuller, he enters, and realizing that Kate has learned of his dual life jumps through the window and escapes. By diligent application, Kate traces him to Boston, where he hovers about the wharves, destitute, hungry and exhausted. Kate here introduces the new scientific marvel and transmits Fuller's photograph by telephone to the Boston police, who secure him and hold him until Kate's arrival. In the meantime Kate has learned that Fuller is a dope fiend, and she tempts him to confess his plot with the promise of cocaine. Fuller, who has been without the drug for several days, is crazed by the sight of it, and promptly tells all. He surrenders the private letter from the captain describing the ship's condition. When he has bared the whole sinister plot, he holds out his hands for the longed-for drug, but Kate Kirby, knowing that further indulgence in the vice would cost his life, destroys it under her foot. In furious, insane rage, Fuller springs upon Kate, but after a tense moment, a thrilling rescue is accomplished. Kate now advances the theory that Vera eloped with Giles on the ship. It is necessary to reach the vessel and warn Giles of its perilous condition. Kate Kirby locates the ship off Norfolk, overtakes it, and tells Giles to sail for port at once, describing the vessel's dangerous weakness. Giles, believing Kate's story is a ruse actuated by Fornton to bring his daughter back and possibly arrest Giles, laughs at her tale, and tells her he will not return. Kate swears she is telling the truth, but Giles persists on continuing the trip. Kate is forced to remain on the ship in the knowledge that at any moment it might sink with all on board. A day later a storm breaks, the rotten ship gives way, and Giles learns, in sorrow and too late, that Kate spoke the truth. The vessel is completely unmanageable, and all on board abandon hope and resign themselves to death. But at the eleventh hour, when the ship is already partly submerged, a rescue is effected, all lives are saved, and a reconciliation follows between Vera and her father.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Port of Doom
(Original title)
The Port of Doom
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes