Captain Alvarez_peliplat
Captain Alvarez_peliplat

Captain Alvarez (1914)

None | USA | None, English | 60 min
Directed by: Rollin S. Sturgeon

Robert Wainwright, arriving in the Argentine Republic to look after his father's business, finds himself in a hotbed of revolution. Stopping at the home of Don Arana, foreign minister to Rosas, the tyrant, he meets and falls in love with Bonita, Don Arana's niece. Bonita favors the rebels and through Wainwright's love for her, wins him to their cause. He communicates with General Urguiza, the rebel leader, but the messenger is intercepted by Tirzo, Rosas' spy. As Tirzo also aspires to the hand of Bonita, he schemes to get Wainwright out of the way, and insinuatingly suggests that he leave the country at once. Wainwright arranges for passage on the first ship leaving for the north, but contrives to escape, after the vessel leaves port. He returns to Don Arana's home, meets Bonita and acquaints her with his plan to join the rebels. She makes him a present of Mephisto, a wonderful horse, and suggests he change his name to Alvarez. Wainwright, now a rebel under the name of Captain Alvarez, so distinguishes himself that he becomes the scourge of the Federals. He is commissioned by General Urguiza to get in communication with Don Arana, who is secretly in sympathy with the rebels, and arrange for the capture of a convoy of a million in currency dispatched to the Federal forces. Captain Alvarez and Don Arana are arranging for the delivery of the convoy when the house is surrounded by the Federals through the work of Tirzo. Captain Alvarez is captured and led off a prisoner. Tirzo remains and promises Bonita to save Alvarez's life is she will marry him. She is about to consent when word comes that the prisoner has escaped. Alvarez returns to Bonita's home, fearful that harm has befallen her, and promises to return again at midnight to make sure of her further safety. Alvarez returns to his command, and captures the million in currency and is on his way to keep his midnight appointment with his sweetheart, when he hears Tirzo plotting with a band of gypsies to kidnap Bonita. Alvarez arrives at Don Arana's first, waits for Tirzo, who comes alone, and in a fight kills the spy whose body is carried off by the gypsies. A band of Federals intercept them, recognize Tirzo, and rush to Don Arana's house, where they capture Alvarez, and he is to be shot at sunrise. In the meantime the Federals are defeated and Rosas, the tyrant, flees for his life. Alvarez, by a trick, induces the Federals guarding him to flee. The rebel forces arrive opportunely, and all ends happily in a picture emblematic of the birth of a new republic.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Captain Alvarez
(Original title)
Kaptajn Alvarez
Kapitein Alvarez
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes