A Girl Like That_peliplat
A Girl Like That_peliplat

A Girl Like That (1917)

None | USA | None | 50 min
Directed by: Dell Henderson

Nell Gordon is unfortunate in her ancestry; her father is a crook, but she possesses qualities of resourcefulness and loyalty. Though she loves her father, she detests his associates, particularly one, Bill Whipple, who is her constant suitor, Joe Dunham, who does the scouting for the trio, finds a likely bank in the town of Wheaton, the fact that a new bookkeeper is needed there opening a way for the gang to get into the bank, as Nell is an expert. Working on her love for her father, who is a very sick man, Whipple and Dunham persuade Nell to go to Wheaton and take the position. Boarding with the Rev. Dr. Singleton, Nell wins the confidence of Jim Brooks, the cashier of the bank, and of Tom Hoadley, his best friend and sheriff of the county. What the girl is working for, of course, is the combination of the safe, but before she has a chance to get it, she begins to realize that she is in love with the cashier. On the very day that she learns the combination and copies it. Jim proposes to her, and, after a mental struggle, she decides that her love for him is greater than her loyalty to the gang, and she surrenders, concealing her identity, she had come to the town under an assumed name. Becoming suspicious of Nell's delay in forwarding word to them, Whipple and Dunham attempt to force her father to write a note ordering her to act quickly, but the old man refuses and is shot. The crooks go to Wheaton and try to force Nell to rob the bank. She has undergone complete reformation and has even confessed her identity to Jim's friend and is planning to leave Wheaton rather than bring disgrace upon the man she loves. She discovers that her father has been murdered by the crooks and decides to be revenged. Apparently consenting to their demands, she gets them into the bank, but not until she has warned the sheriff. Nell is wounded in the fight which follows, and when she awakens finds herself in the arms of the man from whom she attempted to escape because she loved him.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
A Girl Like That
(Original title)
Prisioneira do Amor
A Girl Like That
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes