The Devil's Bondwoman_peliplat
The Devil's Bondwoman_peliplat

The Devil's Bondwoman (1916)

None | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: Lloyd B. Carleton

Mason Van Horton, a young millionaire in good society, owns the Van Horton Bank in the tenement district, but has so little care for business that the bank, and the hundreds of poor workers who have entrusted their hard-earned savings to it, is on the verge of ruin. John Manners is responsible for this condition of affairs, for he has business ability and has taken advantage of Mason at every turn. His wife, Doria, has social aspirations and is a typical vampire. She does her best to ensnare Mason, and he is easily charmed, until he meets Beverly Hope, who has come to visit her Aunt Barbara. Doria is infatuated with Prince Vandloup. One night after a party at the Manners home Mason goes to Doria's apartment, where she is waiting to receive him. But as he starts towards her the face of Beverly comes before him and he rushes madly from the room, passing Manners on his way out. Doria tells her husband that Mason has forced his way to her room, and that she has had to fight for her honor. Manners is angry enough to kill Mason, but she begs him to ruin him instead. Manners does not take long to accomplish this feat. Beverly promises to marry Mason and helps him in every way. Doria gives a reception to which she invites Mason. He goes, intending to have a talk with Manners. One of the women whose earnings have been lost in the bank appears, but Doria orders her from the house. Instead the woman slips unnoticed to Doria's room and stabs herself. Later while all the guests are assembled at dinner, Doria is startled by a drop of blood which falls from the ceiling, causing much consternation. Mason talks with Manners in the library and the two are advised of what has happened. Manners goes to the woman upstairs, and as he is returning to the library overhears his wife and the Prince making love. He denounces her and tells the astonished guests that she is the one who really is responsible for the failure of the bank and the ruination of Mason. He now realizes that she has lied about Mason. The Prince, after trying to besmirch the character of Beverly by reporting that he saw her coming from Mason's apartment late at night, takes Doria away with him. His form changes to that of the Devil and she knows that she is in his power.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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