
Vendetta (1914)

None | France | None, French |
Directed by: René Hervil, Louis Mercanton

Fabio Romani is the husband of beautiful Nina, an Italian girl. They have a charming daughter, Stella by name, and their life in Naples on Romani's great estates is one of love and happiness. Both husband and wife are fond of Guido Ferrari, who is a constant visitor at their home, and whose friendship for Fabio has been lifelong. A great cholera plague ravages the populace of Naples and Fabio one day decides to go to town in spite of the danger, on an errand of importance. On his return he is seized with the cholera, and drops to the street. He is picked up by the hooded doctors, pronounced dead, and, as a precaution against infection, his body is immediately placed on a cheap wooden casket and buried in the long disused Romani family vault. After some hours of apparent death his body stirs. He breathes, feels, moves and his casket slips from the niche and falls to the floor of the vault, taking with it a coffin that had lain undisturbed for many centuries on a lower tier. Romani struggles to his feet and the truth dawns on him. He immediately plunges into the casket now broken open and finds tremendous riches in gold, silver and diamonds with a note stating that they had been placed there by a pirate many generations ago. Almost overcome by his adventure, and suffering an agony of mental torture, Fabio's hair turns white in a single hour. He finally breaks free of the tomb and rushes through the garden to his mansion. From behind an ornamental column he sees his old friend Guido embracing his wife and determines upon a horrible revenge. He hurries to the nearest town, buys a pair of green spectacles and a suit of clothes. Armed with almost inexhaustible riches of the treasure chest, he assumes the name of Count Oliva and after a lapse of time, returns to the scene of his misfortunes. He succeeds in obtaining an introduction to Guido and in course of time the two become fast friends. He professes himself to be an old friend of the dead Count Romani's father. In course of time he meets his faithless wife and soon becomes an almost daily visitor at his own home. At this time his child Stella is taken sick and dies. Before the little girl passes away, Fabio makes himself known to her. The wealth of Fabio dazzles Nina and, being faithless, selfish and mercenary, he has but little difficulty in laying the foundation of his vengeance. Guido leaves town for a period and during the interval, Fabio receives the consent of Nina to become his wife and to jilt Guido. Fabio then announces a grand dinner in honor of Guido's return and, at the psychological moment, announces to the assembled guests the engagement of himself and Nina. Guido, stung to the quick, strikes Fabio and a duel follows, in which Guido is mortally wounded. Before he expires, Fabio removes his green glasses and reveals his identity to the dying Guido. The night of the wedding arrives with its hundreds of guests. On that night just before the supper, Fabio takes Nina by the hand and leads her to the vault, telling her that he will show her the source of his fabulous wealth and the ever mercenary Nina follows to the door of the vault where she hesitates. Fabio seizes her and throws her through the open door and then follows himself. Safely in the vault, he discloses his identity and the shock drives Nina insane. The sight of the once beautiful woman now a crazed being with distorted face, playing among the jewels in the treasure chest, almost causes Fabio's cold heart to relent. Suddenly the earth moves beneath them. There is a rush and roar of crashing pillars, a mighty stone hurtles through the roof of the tomb, striking Nina and killing her instantly. Fabio, believing it the vengeance of the Gods, rushes from the mined vault in panic. Thus is the Vendetta accomplished.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes