The Devil's Confession_peliplat
The Devil's Confession_peliplat

The Devil's Confession (1921)

None | USA | None, English |
Directed by: John S. Lopez

Bob Perry loses his temper and threatens to kill a scandalmonger who is spreading gossip about the affections paid by Neil Drake to Bob's girl, Rose Hill. When the man is found dead, Bob is arrested and convicted for murder while the actual killer, Neil Drake, goes free. The sentence of death is about to be executed when two children find Drake's cap in a nearby brook. Kate, Bob's sister, feeling certain that Drake is the murderer, entices him to use a Ouija board and forces a confession through its revelations. She rushes the written confession to the governor, who at the last minute pardons Bob.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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