King's Creek Law_peliplat
King's Creek Law_peliplat

King's Creek Law (1923)

None | USA | None, English |
Directed by: Leo D. Maloney, Bob Williamson

Texas Ranger Tom Hardy is sent to the hard-boiled town of King City to track down a murderer. The trail leads him into contact with Saul Jameson, an unreconstructed southerner who fancies himself to be the law in King's Creek and conducts his own trials without government interference. Kirk, Jameson's beloved son, becomes a suspect in the case, and Jameson decides to try him impartially despite his parental affection. Hardy, however, proves Kirk's innocence, exposes the real murderer, and thus reconciles Jameson to United States law. Hardy also wins the hand of Jameson's daughter, Milly.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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