The Man Who Stole the Moon_peliplat
The Man Who Stole the Moon_peliplat

The Man Who Stole the Moon (1921)

None | USA | None, English | 310 min
Directed by: George B. Seitz

George Rockwell is young and adventurous. He meets June, a beautiful young girl on the road and decides she will be his wife. But Professor Elliott, June's father, has him thrown out the door. George does not give up and saves the Professor from his cousin Murdock, who was trying to kill him. On the day of their engagement, George and June are abducted on a plane which takes them to Tibet. Dr. Santro, Murdoch's accomplice is the culprit. He and his wife Tharen leave the two in the hands of angry Tibetans. The two lovers are locked into a box with only a tiny hole in it through which they can see some food that is out of their reach. As if that wasn't enough suffering, one of the abductor decides to shoot them through the box. George miraculously opens the box with a rock he had picked up before. As he tries to capture two horses, June is taken away in the desert by a Tibetan. George follows the traces left by his horse and rescues June in time. They fly back to Professor Elliott's. He is perfecting an invention: a fire ray which Murdock and Santro try to steal, thus setting a fire in the country. After several attacks, the Professor wants to send his daughter safely to New York with George. But Murdock follows them. George protects the building where they are staying but oversees the rooftop, where Santro attacks with a plane. Santro, Murdock et Tharen steal the Professor's plans, fly back to his lab, and destroy his invention. George and a police inspector Tinguett launch a search for the plane. As they find it, they surprise Santro and Murdock having a fight during which Santro pushes Murdock into a tank. When he realizes George and the police are on his tracks, he takes the plans and escapes on his plane. June catches the plane in time, grabs the plans and throws them out the window. Santro takes her to her father's lab but she is once again rescued by George. Santro is arrested but as his wife Tharen appears, he requests to have a talk with her and uses the opportunity to disappear. George and June, aroused by curiosity, board his plane but Santro who was hiding in it, starts the engine. June accidentally triggers a torpedo stuck under the wings. George manages to untie it before it explodes. George and June fall from the plane onto a plantation of trees. Santro disappears in his plane. George and June soon recover from the fall. Upon his return at the lab, George is surprised to find Murdock there who says he is a reformed man. One month after that, Murdock and Elliott have rebuilt the device and the professor invites other scientist for a few experiments. That night June and George announce their marriage. But Santro tries to launch rockets on the lab. Murdock activates the fire ray on the plane which bursts into flames.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Man Who Stole the Moon
(Original title)
Les rôdeurs de l'air
The Man Who Stole the Moon
USA (new title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes