The (Im)Perfect Wife_peliplat
The (Im)Perfect Wife_peliplat

The (Im)Perfect Wife (1941)

None | Poland | Polish | 61 min
Directed by: Emil Chaberski

Irena is Zenon's wife, but everyday reality bores her. She is hungry for an active life full of experiences. She leaves her husband and leaves for France. Zenon is desperate and tries to commit suicide. Nurse Nelly is taking care of him. He is also comforted by his friend, Stanislaw Geist, who tells him about the affair between Irena and Frenchman Duval. Zenon does not know that Duval is a fictional character, invented to hide the fact that it was Stanislaw who broke up his marriage to marry Irena. Meanwhile, Irena leads a crazy life in Paris and romances the gallant Pole Kunicki. Stanislaw finds out about it, who is extremely jealous of his fiancée and already treats her as his property. He goes to Paris to pick her up and takes her back home. Kunicki also comes to Warsaw after Irena. Zenon cannot forget about Irena. One evening he meets her with Kunicki at a dance. He thinks it's Duval. A scandal breaks out. Stanislaw found out that his fiancée was still having an affair with her new suitor and that she wanted to leave him too. Zenon, on the other hand, learns that it was not Duval, but his best friend who stole his wife. He is comforted by Nelly, a caring, caring and beautiful girl who is also loved by Tola, the daughter of Zenon and Irena. Zenon and Nelly confess their love to each other. Irena leaves Stanislaw and runs away with Kunicki, and the rejected Stanislaw, after losing his friend and beloved, falls to the bottom.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The (Im)Perfect Wife
(Original title)
Żona i nie żona
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes