Ringo's Big Night_peliplat
Ringo's Big Night_peliplat

Ringo's Big Night (1966)

Not Rated (US) | Italy, Spain | Italian | 93 min
Directed by: Mario Maffei

Four masked men rob money from a stagecoach en route to a bank in Tombstone, Arizona. The federal government vows to catch the culprits and recover the money. Two suspects are imprisoned: the notorious gunman Jack Bowman (William Berger), and a wounded bandit with a broken left arm. The two cellmates form a partnership and the wounded bandit gives Bowman three of the four names of the other bandits: the outlaw Black Norton, saloon owner Jim Bailey, and Sam the sheriff. Bowman quietly escapes from the jail and starts out after the money. The leader of the bandits, however, turns out to be the corrupt Tombstone Mayor Finlay who sends gunmen to ambush Bowman at Bailey's house. Finlay is convinced Bailey is ready to inform on them, so he has Norton kill him and burn the body in his house with Bowman. But Bowman escapes the burning building, so Finlay sends the Mexican bandit José after him. Norton and José's gang battle it out with Bowman at a salt mine, Bowman kills everyone except Norton and José, and Norton is mistakenly killed by the paranoid, drunken sheriff. Bowman takes José on as a partner to get the stolen money, the sheriff accidentally kills José, and Finlay is exposed as the leader. After the sheriff is killed and Bowman gets the money, he hides it in a bottle beneath a waterfall and returns to his jail cell in Silver City with no one the wiser. Meanwhile, Finlay is brought to justice and sent to the very same cell with Bowman and his wounded partner. Bowman is then freed, but nothing turns out to be quite as he planned.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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