The buffalo knocks a stove onto a man's leg. This may be shocking and disturbing to some viewers.
Several animals are put into seemingly real danger during this film, while others may have been killed on-screen. Multiple buffalo are shot on camera. While it is possible that the buffalo where just shot with a rubber bullet and where trained to fall over motionless, seeing animals being shot and apparently falling over dead may be alarming to children.
In one part, a cougar grabs a raccoon by the throat and attempts to drown it in a river. While the raccoon ends up being ok, seeing the cougar slowly drag the raccoon to the river and then hold it underwater might be alarming to children.
There area also several scenes where at least three racoons and a buffalo are shown struggling to stay above water as they are swept down a rapidly flowing river. All the animals turn out ok.
In one scene, two bears "fight" over a meal (which happens to be an injured human). The fight is seemingly very violent, as the bears bite, swipe, and wrestle with each other. In some shots you can see their fur stained red (seemingly with blood), although this may have just been some sort of dye. Both the bears survive.