Judas Bullhorn
Distortion Wells
Stars (in credits order)
Dave Brockie
Oderus Urungus
Beefcake The Mighty
Beefcake the Mighty
Balsac the Jaws of Death
Flattus Maximus
Record Shmooze Fest Party Goer
Jizmak the Gusha
Jizmax Gusher
Slymenstra Hymen
Don Drakulich
Sleazy P. Martini
Liz Fairbairn
The Judge
Hunter Jackson
Granbo the Slave
Bob Gorman
Deathlok Slave
Laura-Lynn Brickhouse
The Mother
Michele Ravera
Cereal Girl
Elizabeth Alberts
Sleazy's Girl
Mark Anderson
Treadmill Slave
Chris Arias
Abe the Babe Spear
Jury Member
Xine Bouthillier
L. Brickhouse
Kerry Buckman
Heath Clement
Choirboy #1
Ron Compton
Ami Critcher
Kelvin Dale
Hillary Deitz
Bey Devletian
James Diaz
Judge Dick Boner
Beth Dirks
Hayle Douglas
Kevin Doyle
The Bum
Mitch Durette
John Durham
Jeff Eden
Colleen Elliot
Andrea Ellis
Dean English
Augustus Fitch IV
Jill Gibson
Fontaine Glascock
Olivia Glave
Larry Glover
Sara Goodwin
Kelly Gotthardt
Lisa Harrelson
Bryon Hatcher
Gibby Haynes
director Fritz Wang
Ginni Hendricks
Nathan Horner
Tim Jenkins
Cerutti Fancypants
John M. Key
Terry B. Kline
William Frederick Knight
Cereal Boy
Jennifer Knoff
Stephanie Lance
John Lane
Leonard the Camera Man
Kori Logothetis
Lara Mays
John Mellhenny
Melissa Moore
Chris Moorehead
Reporter #1
Cassandra Payne
Tom Peloso
Lisa Perilli
Robert D. Polsley
Dewey Rowell
Matt Stampe
Choirboy #2
W.L. Stanford
Stu Stansberry
Nathan Straus
Choirboy #3
Ryan Thomas
Ric Traub
Private Parts
Baccho Umbertis
Christi Vaughan
Barry Ward
Dr. D. Bill Attaited
Anne Zvidema