The violence is kind of strong but definitely not prolonged.
Five or more people die.
A lady has a flashback where she turned off someone's life support machine when she was young resulting in that person dying.
Water flows from a spigot and forms a puddle. The puddle reaches a guy working on electrical wires and he gets electrocuted and fried up real badly. We see the grisly aftermath but not real close. His body later disappears.
A lady disappears and is believed to die.
A guy gets crushed and suffocated to death with a coil of chain falling down. Blood starts seeping out of his mouth, and then something falls down and crushes his mouth. This results in a large pool of blood.
A guy is killed by a spirit and then coughs up liquid before dying.
A man threatens another man with a knife.
There are numerous shouting, arguments, and fights thru/o the film.