Huntin' Trouble_peliplat
Huntin' Trouble_peliplat

Huntin' Trouble (1924)

None | USA | None, English |
Directed by: Leo D. Maloney, Bob Williamson

Clay Rathbun, a struggling young attorney, does not believe in violence. He is in love with Eleanor Morgan, daughter of Captain Morgan, an ex-ranger and brother of Ranger "Slim" Morgan, Clay's best friend. Gus Ogilbie, after serving 5 years in jail, comes out seeking revenge but fails to get the drop on Clay (whose father, now dead, helped to convict him). Eleanor, at her father's insistence, rejects Clay because he is not a ranger. When Slim is discovered near death, Clay puts on Slim's holster and for once in his life goes out "huntin' trouble." Gus and his men show up, and Eleanor sends Bullet, Clay's dog, with her handkerchief to fetch Clay. Clay arrives in time to defeat the culprits in a fight, and Captain Morgan accepts Clay as his future son-in-law.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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