The Master Hand_peliplat
The Master Hand_peliplat

The Master Hand (1915)

None | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: Harley Knoles

James Rallston has married a rich widow who is an invalid with a daughter, Jean. Being in financial difficulties, he plans to get control of his wife's fortune. A woman doctor, Miss Lane, attends Mrs. Rallston and by drugging her reduces her to such a condition of physical impotency that no difficulty is found, by the aid of an unscrupulous keeper of a sanitarium. Dr. Garside, to secure an order for commitment and deprive her of liberty. Fifteen years pass. Rallston lives in magnificent style on his wife's money. He believes her to be dying. Miss Lane hopes to marry Rallston when Mrs. Rallston dies, but instead of dying, she recovers her health and is perfectly sane. Meanwhile, Rallston speculates heavily and loses his daughter's fortune. He tries to persuade the girl to marry an old friend Bigelow, to whom he appeals for help in recovering his fortune. Bigelow suspects Rallston of deception, as well as dishonesty, and is unwilling to believe that Mrs. Rallston is either dead or insane. Bigelow forces up the price of a stock and recovers Jean's fortune for her. Then he disguises himself and, obtaining admission to the sanitarium, rescues Mrs. Rallston. The keeper of the sanitarium, Dr. Garside, takes to flight, and Rallston is killed in an automobile accident. Miss Lane confesses her crime. Mother and daughter are reunited and the girl marries the man of her choice.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Master Hand
(Original title)
The Master Hand
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes