The Light_peliplat
The Light_peliplat

The Light (1916)

None | USA | None, English |
Directed by: William C. Dowlan

Cyril Edwards, an artist, loves Lucile Cartier. Among Cyril's acquaintances is Prince Zarak. Zarak falls in love with Lucile, and in the privacy of his luxurious apartment he resorts to occult arts, to bring harm and misfortune to Cyril. His efforts fail. After the marriage he continues his visit to the studio. Securing her portrait, he hangs it in his room and burns incense before it at night. His strange power effects Lucile in a weird, telepathic way. Later Zarak exhibits an odd lamp which he tells them belonged to one of his fire-worshiping ancestors. At Zarak's suggestion, Lucile repeats an incantation which he recites. All are astonished to see a clear bright flame issue from the lamp. With the assistance of an accomplice, Zonia, Zarak succeeds in placing Cyril in compromising positions with Zonia. These witnessed by Lucile, her faith in Cyril is shocked. Lucile leaves Cyril and goes to Zarak's apartment. Before departing she writes a note explaining where she has gone. Cyril misses Lucile. He rushes off to Zarak. Meantime Zonia discovers that Zarak has transferred his attention to Lucile. She is made prisoner and cast into a closet. Cyril notices that the flame burning fitfully, leaves the lamp, flutters like a living thing along the wall, and finally reaches the waste basket. Cyril thus discovers that his wife is with Zarak, He finds Zonia bound and gagged. Releasing her, he learns from her that Zarak has fled, taking Lucile. Cyril starts to rescue Lucile, but Zonia precedes him. Cyril finds Zarak stabbed to death and Zonia standing over him, dagger in hand.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Light
(Original title)
The Light
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes