Die goldene Gans_peliplat
Die goldene Gans_peliplat

Die goldene Gans (1964)

0 (DE) | East Germany | German | 67 min
Directed by: Siegfried Hartmann

Klaus lives with his two brothers Kunz and Franz in a little village. Together, they ply their trade as cobblers in a small workshop. But the workload rests mainly on the shoulders of ill-treated Klaus. When Kunz and Franz go off into the forest to chop wood for fuel they run into an old woman who asks them for some wine and bread. Rudely and gruffly, they refuse her request and return home without any wood. Klaus then has to set out and he meets the old woman as well. He gladly offers her his frugal meal which is suddenly turned into pancakes and good wine. In addition, he receives a golden goose for his kindness. The bird possesses a an unusual characteristic: all those who are prying, nosy, envious and rapacious get stuck to it and become glued to one another. On his subsequent journey, Klaus therefore collects a weird, motley following. This sight even makes the melancholy princess laugh. Whoever can make her laugh, the king has pro-claimed, shall have her for his wife. But in view of the prospective bridegroom's poverty, the king sets Klaus to new tasks. Klaus carries them out with much skill and even manages to disentangle the stuck-together human snake. The king has no choice but to agree to the wedding.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
East Germany
No data
Soviet Union
(Moscow premiere)
Soviet Union
No data
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Die goldene Gans
(Original title)
Златната гъска
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title)
Die goldene Gans
East Germany
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes