Many episodes revolve around sex and masturbation (ex. Who can bone more women?, Who can produce the most semen, Who can make a better porno?, First one to get a boner loses).
Male genitalia is censored throughout the series (with the exception of one point in the series at the end of the 'Who can bone more women?' episode) although buttocks is clearly shown.
Female genitalia is never shown in the series, however there are some topless women in a couple of episodes.
In the episode 'Who can make a better Porno?', unsimulated sex is shown, but blurred.
Many sex references throughout the series, many of them containing references to bestiality, pedophilia, rape, child abuse, incest, etc.
Dildos, strapons, and fake penises are shown and used in a variety of different ways throughout the series. A man sucks one during the episode 'Who can handle more Torture?' In that same episode a man sodomizes himself with a frozen hotdog.