Don't Play Bridge with Your Wife_peliplat
Don't Play Bridge with Your Wife_peliplat

Don't Play Bridge with Your Wife (1933)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 18 min
Directed by: Leslie Pearce

Three games of bridge over the ages are presented. Each game has two husband/wife couple playing against each other. The first two games take place during prehistoric times and with King Henry VIII respectively. Although the names, places and faces have changed, the two games are remarkably similar in tone, with the end result having a wife clobber her husband over the head because of a series a stupid plays leading to losing the game. However, by the twentieth century, when the third game is played, things, including the way bridge is played, are more refined. One couple are very much in love newlyweds Eddie Baker and Dorothy Baker née Roberts, who had to overcome many obstacles, including the disapproval of her parents, to get married. While on their honeymoon, the hotel steward sets up a spur of the moment game for them with fellow hotel guests, Mr. & Mrs. Haley. The game doesn't go nearly the way Eddie and Dorothy would like. Dorothy does not clobber Eddie over the head, but the loss places a strain on their young marriage and even threatens to end it, that is unless...

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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