A woman whips a girl on the back and bottom with a belt for lying.
A woman leans over a bus seat, grabs a boy who made a harsh comment addressed to her and slaps him repeatedly in the face.
A woman yells at her daughter, slaps her in the face, and the daughter slaps the mother in the face and they fight until others pull them apart.
A woman leans from the front seat of a car into the back seat and hits a girl several times (we hear the commotion).
A man hits a woman hard in the face, she throws a pot of hot grits in his face, he screams, and she then hits him repeatedly with a frying pan (on the back and shoulders) while he is on the floor.
A man hits a woman hard in the face, and she falls against a wall and to the floor (we see a handprint on her cheek).
A man threatens to throw a woman over a balcony 30 floors up because she is trying to leave him; he grabs her and pulls her toward the open door, and she fights and screams and he relents.
A man grabs a woman and shakes her angrily.
A man squeezes a woman's knee angrily when she yawns at a dinner party, and he then threatens to kill her if she tries to leave him.
A scene on a TV show shows a woman ironing and a little girl cowering against a door and we are led to believe that the woman burns the girl with the iron (we hear the girl pleading for her not to).
A woman talks about her mother having allowed her stepfather to rape her when she was young.
A woman and her daughter argue bitterly in several scenes.
A man and a woman argue bitterly.
Several men gamble and argue.
A woman panics when she wakes up and finds that her children are gone (nothing has happened to them).
A woman tells two women how to handle an abusive man by pouring hot grits on him and then hitting him with a frying pan.
A man tells a woman that his parents are dead.
A girl tells a woman that people tease and make fun of her.