man on toilet, grunting - no nudity
women makes suggestive comments about a man as he is bending over - not in english, if your child can not read this is irrelevant
mans waxes his private area - a woman is seen standing in the doorway behind him while he holds up the used wax paper in the mirror
partial nudity of a mans behind - we then see him dancing in thongs and a robe in front of a TV. There are moans coming from the TV, implying he is watching a porno
man and a woman have sex in a bakery - long scene involving a lot of groping and undressing one another - graphic although only partial nudity (the woman's nipples) is shown at the end of the scene
a man sits in thongs in a window - another man appearing to be naked (we see him from the waist up) walks up and they share a drink