John Alden
Stars (in credits order)
Mark Amende
Sea of Reporters
Charlie Baatz
Jack Brayson - Younger
Seamus Berg
Robert Mace
Bill Bilverstone
Samuel P. Hickory
Curt Blazier
William Patter
Blaine Bredberg
Gene Brodeur
Robert Brown
Rob Cacy
Malcolm Torronado
Cory Carper
Saloon Girl
Michael Cooley
Bad Guy Cowboy 3
Chris Cummins
Construction Worker 1
Aaron DiBernadinis
Eric Dober
Bruce Duykers
Al Evans
Table of Suits 2
J.P. Gabriel
Mike Stump
Chris Garre
Andy George
Construction Worker 2
Richard Goan
Jim Gruber
Big Al Hayes
Philip Heron
Roger MacIntyre
Troy Holland
Jonathan Jennings
Darren P. Leis
Film Geek
Chris Lekamp
Matt Arneson
Kelsi MacIntyre
Josh Mannen
Bad Guy Cowboy 4
Stuart Martin
Famous Cowboy Actor
Brendan McLaughlin
Jason Feldspar
Anthony Melillo
Private Detective
Walter Metz
Dr. Marcus Strand
Christie Monson
Paul Ordonez
Frank Palazzi
Barry Silver
Marq Piocos
Bad Guy Cowboy 5
Carlos Quintero
Bandito 2
Chris Raymond
Ardel Ronning
Table of Suits 1
Ila Ronning
Penny Ronning
Tool Belt Chick
Richard Schaeffers
Tom Murphy
Douglas Sebern
Jack Brayson - older
Bill Snell
Tony Snell
Bad Guy Cowboy 1
Creed Spencer
Bandito 3
Joel Stanton
Table of Suits 4
B. Craig Stauber
Bandito 1
Paul Trout
Dr. Arthur Rose-Pournelle
Tony Tye
Marc Weichel
Documentary Filmmaker
Sean Williams
Ken Wise
Bad Guy Cowboy 2
Ken Wylie
Table of Suits 3