From the Midst of Pain_peliplat
From the Midst of Pain_peliplat

From the Midst of Pain (2010)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Nunzio Fazio

Janette Lane Bradbury was abused by her mother. Her mother would beat her with a horsewhip, a riding crop or whatever she found handy. Lane escaped her abuse by being a dancer. She lived to be in acting class, lived to be in dance class. Lane ultimately grew up to be the youngest member ever of The Actors Studio in New York. She was in the original casts of "Gypsy" and "Night of the Iguana" on Broadway originating the roles of Dainty June and Charlotte Goodall. When Lane had her first child, she picked up her baby and screamed at her. At this point, Lane realized that abuse was a self-perpetuating cycle and she had to stop it. Lane wants to bring others the opportunity to experience what she felt "saved her." So workshops in various aspects of filmmaking including: dance, drama, camera, horseback riding, costumes and makeup were offered to abused women, at-risk teens and others that were physically or mentally challenged. The participants were given the opportunity to use their newfound knowledge and participate in making a short film. "From the Midst of Pain" an artistic, unconventional documentary inter-cuts these experiences with the participant's personal stories of abuse and/or life challenges. Their stories are powerful, the participant's accomplishments moving. Wavy ultimately became the boom operator on this documentary. Hank Garfield, the sound mixer sold three violins given to him by his father to buy a viola for Tanya. Allison, a young girl with Cerebral Palsy, is now performing Standup Comedy in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, not every story is pretty. Frank, a young teenage boy was subsequently sexually assaulted. His stepfather confronted Frank's attacker. Within a week, Frank was murdered.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Mojave Film Festival, premiere)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
From the Midst of Pain
(Original title)
From the Midst of Pain
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes