Mild martial arts fighting and frequent hand to hand combat often with blades and arrows which result in cuts and gashes and death (some blood). The "villains" generally leave no survivors.
Hundreds of Dead bodies are shown on a battle field for several minutes. A character is run through by a sword during an animated flashback. A Man is impaled with a pole, it sticks out of him. Man pulls arrow from knee with some blood. A character is sliced by a sword and red liquid sprays. Several times, man stabs and kills his friends suddenly. A man tries to commit suicide by knife, but is unsuccessful. A character falls on a sword and cuts his throat, blood is seen on the blade, his head is removed as proof of his death (unseen). A character pushes the wounds of another to stop fighting (comedic). A group of warriors joyfully shoots and kills a group of innocents. A character is shot point blank by many arrows, they stick out of him.
Animal "Cruelty":
A crow is shot by an arrow (probably fake). On several occasions real horses trip and fall hard. A horse is "put out of it's misery" off screen after wounding it's leg.