A woman is sliced open while giving birth.
In a dream scene someone is repeatedly stabbed and has his skull bashed in with a hammer.
A man has an axe to his neck.
A man has the back of his head sliced open with a Stanley knife, a crowbar is shoved underneath it and his head is then ripped off with the crowbar.
A man has his arms skinned and then receives a clawhammer to his mouth before the claw is buried in his skull.
We see a man skin another man.
A man pukes out his intestines which cause his face to implode. Another man tries to stick his thumb through the man's opened windpipe to suffocate him and end his suffering. He later decides to crush the man's remaining head.
A woman has her neck opened and her blood drained.
A woman shoots at her crotch.
A man has sex with a corpse.
The skin of a man's penis begins to come off, he pulls a worm out of the head of his penis.
A man pushes on a woman's belly and lots of blood and a piece of skin with a fetus head in it fall out of her.
A man decapitates a fetus.
A woman stabs at her crotch and an insect crawls out of a man's penis.
A gorily disfigured woman erupts from a strange machine.
A man has his stomach slashed open and a baby crawls out of it he then has half his head pulled off by a gory creature.