I Now Pronounce You Black and White_peliplat
I Now Pronounce You Black and White_peliplat

I Now Pronounce You Black and White (2010)

None | South Africa | English, Xhosa, Afrikaans | 81 min
Directed by: Oliver Rodger

When two people fall in love and get married it is a joyous occasion, right.........Wrong! Meet Simon Dawson (Tyrel Meyer). Simon is a white Jewish South African who has just returned from working overseas in the UK. He is introduced to Jackie Msolisi, (Astara Mwakalumbwa) an independent, smart and beautiful black South African girl. Sparks fly and after a whirlwind romance Simon and Jackie announce their plans to marry. This does not meet with the approval of their parents. Felix Dawson (Ian Roberts) is a wealthy Afrikaner who seems to care more about money and status than anything else. He even converted to Judaism to marry his younger trophy wife, Sheila (Bo Petersen). Sheila is materialistic, overbearing and image conscious. The idea of a black daughter-in-law terrifies them. Pauline Msolisi (Sylvia Mdunyelwa) is a devout Christian and believes her daughter should marry a nice local boy and have lots of children. She doesn't trust white people and is upset with Jackie's announcement. Clarence (Kwezi Kobus) is Pauline's long-suffering husband. He goes along with whatever Pauline says to make his life easier. Simon and Jackie just want a simple ceremony without getting race or religion involved. They plan a family dinner and invite both sets of parents around to make peace with each other. Unfortunately the Msolisi's bring their evangelical Pastor, Pastor Krotz (Brendon Daniels) to the dinner and the Dawson's bring their unorthodox Rabbi, Rabbi Gershowitz (Adam Neill). The dinner only serves to make the Dawson's and Msolisi's more determined to stop the wedding in its tracks. The Dawson's decide to enrol their daughter, Amanda Dawson (Candice D'Arcy) in their plot to spoil the wedding. The Msolisi's consult a Sangoma (Tina Jaxa) and her bumbling assistant (Nik Rabinowitz). The wedding becomes a battleground as White meets Black, Jew meets Christian and Old meets New. David, the British Best Man (Scott Sparrow), turns peacemaker in his bid to salvage the wedding from certain disaster. David is forced to rely on some whacky and unusual guests to delay proceedings just long enough to get Simon and Jackie to say "I do".

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
South Africa
(Cape Winelands Film Festival)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
I Now Pronounce You Black and White
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes