A Honeymoon in Hell: Mr. & Mrs. Oki's Fabulous Trip_peliplat
A Honeymoon in Hell: Mr. & Mrs. Oki's Fabulous Trip_peliplat

A Honeymoon in Hell: Mr. & Mrs. Oki's Fabulous Trip (2011)

G (JP) | Japan | Japanese | 121 min
Directed by: Ryûichi Honda

Although Nobuyoshi and Saki just got married and moved into a new apartment, their relationship still lacks spark. Things start to change as they meet a weird fortune-teller who also happens to operate tours to hell. Without further ado the young couple books a honeymoon trip which takes them to the most bizarre, colorful and fun vision of hell you could ever dream of.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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