Diary of a Stripper_peliplat
Diary of a Stripper_peliplat

Diary of a Stripper (2009)

MA15+ (AU) | Australia | English | 4 min
Directed by: Nicholas Gunn

Life is no walk in the park for Jessica Chambers. Bills are piling up like old ragged leaves on a cold autumn day. Her boyfriend's a drunken low life and she's run to mother one to many times. Out of options, she turns to her best friend Carol. Carol encourages Jessica to talk to a guy called Harry, owner of the most lavish strip club in town; Swingers. Upon meeting Jessica, Harry is not convinced she can rake in the dough, but Jessica persists and develops a reputation with customers to become Harry's 'most prized possession'. Jealousy spreads like wildfire amongst other girls; they envy her wage. Debt free, she should be happy but something isn't right, something has been playing on her nerves since the first show. Someone is watching her, admiring her and paying bulk of her week's wage. Who is this stranger? Why does he give her so much money? Jessica begins to feel like she's being watched all the time. Fearing for her safety she jumps clubs but the stranger stays on her tail, never missing a show. Now Jessica has gone missing and it's Detective's Smythe's job to find her. Only problem is he only has one piece of evidence - her diary. Smythe hits the bricks with rookie cop Creed; It's gonna be a tough day and he's down to his last drop of whiskey. Big Money just ain't worth those spying eyes...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Diary of a Stripper
(Original title)
Diary of a Stripper
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes