A man uses a stun gun on a dog. Although the scene looks fake animal lovers may find the scene disturbing.
A man hits two men with a shovel.
A man grabs another mans finger and pulls it back, snapping it. This is very brutal, we see the finger bend back and snap.
A man tears off a man's toenail, we see the bloody flesh underneath it as it's pulled away, graphic.
A man uses a blow torch to burn a man's bare chest, we see the skin melt and burn as blood pours from the wound, very graphic.
A man cuts another man's head with a nail, bloody.
A man takes a hand saw and begins to saw at another man's neck, this is the goriest scene in the film, large amounts of thick blood spray and spurt as the man continues to saw. The man sawing is covered in blood and thick ammounts continue to pour of the wound when he stops. Very graphic and bloody
There are also graphic descriptions of little girls' rapes.