While trying to kill an alien, a man is accidentally killed when his jaw is blown off with a shotgun. Very bloody, but it's only seen for less than a second.
A characters jaw is ripped off, there is some blood pouring.
Whenever an Android (robot that resembles a human) is wounded, like in all of the other Alien films, they bleed white, milky blood and have white and transparent muscles and organs.
R violence type: blood, gore and brutal.
Occasional strong gory violence and imagery. Many people are killed and maimed in brutal fashion with a lot of blood.
A man is burned to death in an accident while several people unsuccessfully try to save him. We see his charred corpse later on, which is carried away on a stretcher.
Two men are infected by an airborne virus which makes them sicker by the minute. One of them struggles to move and vomits blood on a woman.
An alien attacks a woman by mauling her face. It's seen in quick glimpses, and the shaky camera makes it hard to view any details. It's still disturbing, however.
The same alien attacks another crew member who accidentally blows up the ship that they are on. In a far shot, we see her set alight and stumbling out of the ship before falling over and dying.
A tiny alien forces its way out of a man's throat, with lots of blood pouring out along with it. The creature then promptly goes on a rampage, slashing at several crew members and biting an Android's hand off (white blood and tissue seen).
Characters pass the corpses of Engineers in various frozen statue like states of panic and who are covered in black goo.
The Neomorph bites into a woman's neck and rips it open (cuts away before any detail is seen). It is later seen feasting on her disemboweled remains, as the face of her severed head is seen floating in a pool of water.
An alien is shot several times with green acid spraying from the wounds (this is meant to be alien blood).
An android has its head knocked down into its neck, presumably breaking it, his eyes roll back into his head and he crumples to the floor.
Two androids fight with a white liquid substance akin to blood appearing from their facial wounds.
A facehugger attacks a character and suffocates him with its tail. After regaining consciousness, the same character is killed when the alien bursts out of his chest cavity, blood sprays from the wound.
A facehugger attacks a crew member before an alien attacks two crew members, killing one and burning the other's face with its acidic blood.
An alien is blown up with its partial remains and green blood spraying.
In two scenes, a character's burnt skin is medically attended to. His mutilated body is later seen, obviously killed by a chestburster, with blood smeared across the floor and walls.
An android regurgitates two facehugger embryos.