Slatin Pasha: On Her Majesty's Service_peliplat
Slatin Pasha: On Her Majesty's Service_peliplat

Slatin Pasha: On Her Majesty's Service (2012)

None | Austria | English | 90 min
Directed by: Thomas Macho

How Rudolf Slatin, the son of a Viennese silk dyer, became a Muslim in chains, a hero of Victorian England, and a Sudanese statesman while serving the British. And how his grandson George is following an ancient invitation and meet the heirs of the Mahdi and Kahlifa. Slatin Pasha or the unbelievable story of an Austrian hero, set in Vienna of the Habsburgs, the palaces of Victorian London, and among the warring tribes of the Sudanese Sahara.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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