The film opens with a man raping a woman on the floor. This is shown in glimpses of clothes being peeled back but little nudity is shown. The woman struggles and tries to scream but he holds a hand over her mouth. Thrusting is shown. Another man seems to be observing, doing voice-over narration and holding an empty syringe.
Overhead view of woman in a bathtub wearing bra and panties. Man walks around shirtless.
Man and woman attempt to have sex on a bed. She slides next to him with her back to him and pulls down her underwear underneath her dress as he pulls down his jeans and underwear. Little nudity is seen. He then has flashbacks of her rape and it appears he was unable to complete the act.
Man has flashbacks of the rape of his wife. He also hallucinates that his wife has voluntary relations with her rapist. No nudity is seen.