What's That Purple Building, Daddy?_peliplat
What's That Purple Building, Daddy?_peliplat

What's That Purple Building, Daddy? (2010)

None | USA | English | 54 min
Directed by: Tim Brown

This documentary takes a look at the problem and dangers of men engaged in pornography and how it affects their lives, as well as the people in their lives. It follows the inspirational story of two ordinary men, recovering porn addicts, who stood up to fight pornography in their community by taking on Coyotes, the strip club right in their own backyard, and winning! What's That Purple Building, Daddy? is a compelling story with fresh insight into how pornography is affecting men, young and old, and everyone in America. You'll be inspired by the courage of Mark and Damian, and convinced that the war against pornography can be won.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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