I'm a Fucking Panther_peliplat
I'm a Fucking Panther_peliplat

I'm a Fucking Panther (2014)

None | Sweden | English, Swedish | 90 min
Directed by: Jennifer Jerez, Leo Palmestål, Anders Rundberg

Biskopsgården is a socio economically exposed suburb to Göteborg, Sweden. The last couple of years Sweden has suffered from reductions in the welfare system, causing increasing poverty and social vulnerability. As a result, criminal gangs grow stronger and shootings resulting in deaths have become almost everyday occurrences in many suburbs. A group of young people in the area refuse to stand by and watch while the world around them collapses. Inspired by The Black Panther Party For Self Defence they organize themselves and form the Panthers For The Restoration Of The Suburbs. They demand participation in the decisions taken by politicians and officials in order to create a shift in power which means more power to the people. The Panthers seek social change in order to make a difference in young people's lives. The Panthers have assisted young people in expressing their dissatisfaction and to stand up and confront politicians. They organize theme days, summer and winter camps, several football tournaments with teams from other suburbs, two International Workers Day festivals with Bobby Seale, founder of The Black Panther Party, Emory Douglas, minister of culture in The Black Panther Party, and Dead Prez as guests. And they led the struggle to open the closed down youth center, so that young people can have a place to be instead of hanging out in the streets and get recruited by gangs.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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