a man brutally beats a woman to death in her home ( She is Very Bloody)
A man Shoots 3 people to death inside a building (very Bloody)
A man stabs a man in the neck with a sharpened plastic shank, the victim slowly dies as blood squirts out
a man breaks a broom across a mans neck, killing him and breaking his neck
a group of inmates beat a off duty officer to death (Hes very Bloody)
in a flashback a man shoots a man in the head killing him (Bloody)
a man beats a man several times with spiked knuckles killing him (Very Bloody)
a man slices across a mans arms and blood spills from them as the victim slowly dies
during a long fight scene, a man snaps a mans neck, and a man stabs a man in the back killing him
a man throws a man off a roof killing him, the victim lands on a guard, injuring him and a prisoner grabs the guards gun and shoots him dead offscreen (Brain matter splatters on his face)
R violence type: blood and brutal.