Cold Side of the Pillow_peliplat
Cold Side of the Pillow_peliplat

Cold Side of the Pillow

None | Canada, France, Hungary | English |
Directed by: Attila
This title has not premiered yet

"Cold Side of the Pillow" is seen through the eyes of four characters-but is interwoven within 20 stories. The four main stories surround: Elizabeth, a girl who would rather ignore her fears than face them, because facing them mean struggle and self-sacrifice. Edward is plainly content in his life, until a traumatic event changes how he feels about everyone and everything; causing his reactions and opinions to change, and in turn his personality. This affects the rest of the characters sending them into a whirlwind of anger and frustration, leading each one to confront their own demons and each others. While the intense possible romantic situation of Edward and Liz loom in the possible future, Sophie and Darrel struggle with their long term relationship being based on a lie. As she struggles with their commitment to each other, Sophie begins to question which man she really wants. As their lives become more violent, is seems to mirror the past and the possible future; as the parents of the characters also struggle with abandonment and planning for impending deaths and possible births. As the years go by, each character struggles to find his or her own voice and spirit, searching out council wherever they can; and finding some guidance from some warm and interesting characters.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Cold Side of the Pillow
(Original title)
Cold Side of the Pillow
Canada (English title) (complete title)
The Cold Side of the Pillow
Canada (English title) (long title)
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes