Monroe's Foxxy Ladies_peliplat
Monroe's Foxxy Ladies_peliplat

Monroe's Foxxy Ladies (2015)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Kenneth Monroe

In grand Hollywood fashion, unexpected dramatics ensue. Some handle themselves with grace while others illustrate the drama the mind creates - Witness faith strengthening confessionals from the casting process down to the final take. Powerful women direct, advance and promote themselves while learning the importance of networking and brand-marketing. As with everything else in life, some people fail while others succeed. Those prone for action out shine over confident "Word-smiths" by far. Documented are female conquerors who work diligently to maintain integrity in dealings with the ugly face of adversity. A key element audiences witness in Monroe's Foxxy Ladies Doc-u-drama is determination! A friend is born out of times of distress. Watch the stories of strong women who believe in themselves and wait for the world to catch up.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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