One of the prostitutes walks around the hotel hallway with a mirror. She then uses the mirror to catch glimpses of various men and prostitutes having sex.
The first room is a threesome, with one man and two prostitutes. The man is thrusting into a woman from behind while kissing the other. Female breast nudity is shown.
The second room is a woman and man chatting post sex. The prostitute is laying on her side while the man is laying on his back. Female rear nudity is shown, with the woman's leg blocking view of the man's genital area.
In the third room, a woman is grinding on top of a man in the cowgirl position. We only see female rear nudity.
In the fourth room, a man is thrusting into a woman from behind against a wall. She is wearing lingerie, so no nudity is shown.
In the Fifth room a prostitute is seen spreading her legs for a man while he masturbates. Brief but graphic female frontal nudity including clear view of genitals with no pubic hair to cover labia. Penis partially but clearly visible during masturbation.
A man jumps out of bed a quickly glimpse of his testicles and anus. He puts his trousers on however his large penis is in shot for quite awhile.