

Zavien Garrett is a happy person with a goal in life to spread positive energy everyday. Amidst the negative energy that can be prevalent in the world, he knows a smile can go a long way. He is fed by his passions: music, dance and acting. Growing up, Zavien's father introduced him to hip hop with a constant soundtrack of Notorious B.I.G, Tupac, Kanye West, and Kendrick Lamar playing. Hip hop had a great influence on his life and is what fueled him to want to start dancing. Zavien joined his first hip hop class at the age of 10. He found a love for it, made many friends and at the age of 13 his studio director asked Zavien if he would like to join their high intensity "Half Day" program for the dancing elite. He ended up training in in that program in ballet, jazz, lyrical, modern, Broadway, contemporary and hip hop dance until the age of 17, winning numerous awards and accolades along the way. Zavien began his acting career after being signing with da Costa Talent in Vancouver, Cana

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