Elvis Matos_peliplat

Elvis Matos

Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

I was born to a single mother who did her best but it would turn out to be an unstable city to grow and learn in. I suffered academically as a result of this and never gained any interest in developing my school potential. I was small so sports weren't my way either. I was basically just alive to be alive and even that wasn't pleasant. I was in the way mostly, I felt, I was such a disappointment in every aspect of my life that I felt taking my own life was the solution or running away which I did on 2 Separate occasions before I dropped out of college and joined the Army at 19 just to get away from it all. I served almost 8 years active duty and deployed once to Afghanistan where I learned more about myself then I ever did prior. Even so with the small success and freedom I found in the ranks of the military it wasn't enough to fulfill that indecisive emptiness I suffered like a plague. I met my end with the military and though grateful I am to this day for the experiences they weren't where my calling was. I returned home optimistic about the future but I continued to be met with let downs and disappointments but for some reason I'm still going. Circling back to this speaking stuff, my efforts to articulate myself were met with a pleasant surprise when I found Les Browns videos and realized quickly that not only did I want to do what he was doing but it ignited a fire of purpose in my heart that has me hungrier than ever before and so I am here now, with no money, no titles, nothing to my name but the back I carry myself on and this dream... this dream of a chance to not just train in this but to actively do it and live to inspire all the young boys and girls coming up with no examples of what the go through looks like from first hand experience to help them navigate and avoid some hurdles I couldn't, and to get further then when I started to find my way...

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