

McKinley (Kinley) Rae Cunningham was born on December 22, 2010 in Los Angeles, CA. At the age of 2, her mother enrolled in a "Mommy and Me" dance class where it quickly became clear Kinley was a natural performer who loved being in front of an audience. For someone destined for the entertainment industry, her parents made the odd decision to move to Texas when she was 3. There she excelled in both gymnastics and dance, but at the age of 5, she started competing with a dance studio in Round Rock, TX, and her true talents began to blossom as she collected trophies and captured the attention of choreographers at various regional dance competitions and conventions. About this same time Kinley started training in acting and musical theater at her dance studio and started booking regional commercial and modeling jobs. Her parents could no longer ignore the fact that Kinley needed to be closer to the industry, so in May of 2019 her family moved back to the Los Angeles area. Kinley quickly beg

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