Almighty Allah_peliplat

Almighty Allah

Director | Creation
Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Lord of The Worlds who Created The Skies and The Earth Planet as Creator of All Creatures that having Lots of Names in All Languages (e.g. God, Allah, Khoda, Ahuramazda, Yazdan, Yahuva and etc) The Only One who is Before of Before, Middle of Middle and Next of Next as Above of All The Lights and The Hands, The Best Decider of Deciders, The Founder and The Owner of All Religions, The Merciful And The Compassionate who Making The Worlds and The Lord of Resurrection Day, The Nights and The Days and The Original Protector of Quran Karim who sent Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) for The Mankind based on Divine Traditions. The Most Grateful And The Wise who is The Saviour of All Humans and The Other Creatures, The Creator of Adam and Eva in The Heaven where It's Resting Place of Humans who Done Righteous Deeds. The Knower of The Unseen and All Knowledges and More More More and Beyond of This Biography as Above of All The Excellent Attributes. The Lord of Angels (e.g. Gabriel, Ezraeil, Israfiel, Michael and etc) who sent Quran Karim, Enjil, Torat, Furqan, Zabur, Avesta and etc that having Mother of The Books as Clear Register. The Lord of The Sun, The Moon, The Earth and All Universe and Beyond of Everything and Deep of Everything what's Most People Know or Don't Know about them.

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