Taeler Conrad-Mellen_peliplat

Taeler Conrad-Mellen

Date of birth : 06/07/1989
City of birth : New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA

American professional wrestler and valet as Taeler Hendrix and best known for her work for Ring of Honor and several other promotions. Debuted in 2008 for Top Rope Promotions in Massachusetts and has competed for New England Championship Wrestling, Ohio Valley Wrestling, TNA, Ring of Honor, SHINE Wrestling, Women Superstars Uncensored, Queens of Combat, Absolute Intense Wrestling, and many others. In 2012, she won a TNA Gut Check Challenge and was reassigned to OVW. She never really got many opportunities in TNA and was released before she could resign with the company. She made her PPV debut at "SHINE 2" on August 17, 2012, losing a three-way match to Sojourner Bolt (Josette Bynum) that also involved Heidi Lovelace (Dori Elizabeth Prange). She is a 3x OVW Women's Champion and the inaugural QOC (Queens of Chaos in North Carolina) Champion.

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