Alex S. Taylor_peliplat

Alex S. Taylor

Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Alex S. Taylor, known to friends and family as "Chuck", is an actor known for his work on The Longest Ride (2015), Under the Dome (2013), Under the Dome (2014), Sleepy Hollow (2013), Southern Iron (2013), the independent production Unbreakable Bonds the Civil War Movie and in Battlecade: Extreme Fighting #1 (1995) as a crew member. He was born in Fayetteville North Carolina and has spent the majority of his life in the southeastern NC area but as an "Army Brat", he also lived in Arizona, Virginia where he attended Fauquier High School in Warrenton and Ansbach Germany. He has been married to Theresa L. Taylor since February 4, 2001 and they have one child Alex S. Taylor Jr..

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