

Born in Paris, Ms. Ducrocq received her Baccalaureate in Philosophy, Latin and Greek. She was awarded the Henry Rollan Prize for Acting, and chose to expand her acting knowledge in New York. Following studies at the H.B. Studios, she enrolled at the NYU School of the Arts in 1971, subsequently graduating with a BFA from the Theatre Program. In 1974, Ms. Ducrocq joined artistic directors Kristin Linklater, Joe Chaikin and Peter Kass as a founding member of the Working Theatre company in NYC. Funded by CBS, the Mellon and other American foundations, this acting- Teaching company was dedicated to the theater of great texts, from Shakespeare to Beckett. The actor's voice, body, emotion and intellect all received intense work to fulfill the demands of the playwright's particular world and period (versus an more intellectual interpretation). Trained to teach this creative process, Ms. Ducrocq ran workshops, in addition to performing, in New York and throughout the United States. From 1978

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